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19 Websites For Best Free Online Courses With Certificates of Completion 2025

Are you looking for Best Free Online Courses With Certificates of Completion? There are online certificate programs available in different MOOCs. Here are the Best Free Online Certifications, and Training websites available Online.

MOOCs have changed the way of learning. Education is available in our hands with digitization and MOOC providers.

We can learn any topic from our home. MOOCs are a boon for those who wanted to learn from Top Universities and didn’t get the opportunity.

MOOC stands for Mass Open Online Course – meaning a collection of online courses available for learning by public 24/7.

MOOCs include nonprofit providers like Khan Academy and EdX, for-profit providers Udacity and Coursera and much more.

There are a lot of MOOCs in the learning field, and we will learn about the top vendors in this article.

19 Websites For Best Free Online Courses With Certificates of Completion 2025

1. Free Certification Courses on Coursera – 1000+ Certificate Courses

Coursera is a venture-backed, education-focused technology company that offers online courses and is based in Mountain View, CA. It provides online courses with tie-ups with universities across the US and other countries. They primarily provide online degree programs in Business, Computer science, and Data Science Certification.

Their degree courses cost between $29 -$99 and normally run for 4-6 weeks. Courses are recognized in the Technology industry.

Courses are delivered as recorded video lectures. Peer review of assignments and auto-grading are provided. They also have community discussion forums. When you complete a course, you’ll receive a shareable electronic Course Certificate. Learn more from the Best Coursera Courses.

Penn, John Hopkins, University of Michigan, Stanford, UC San Diego, and duke are some of the Universities offering courses through Coursera. They are one of the top 3 online course providers.

Best Selling Courses from Coursera:

  1. Learn Data Science from Johns Hopkins University on Coursera. #1 Specialization on Coursera.
    Enroll online today →
  2. Master Machine Learning fundamentals in 5 hands-on courses from the University of Washington.
    Enroll today →
  3. Master Python in 5 Online Courses from the University of Michigan.
    Enroll today →
  4. Build skills for a top job in any industry. Explore hundreds of business courses on Coursera.
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  5. Earn your Business Analytics Specialization from the University of Pennsylvania on Coursera.
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  6. Achieving Personal and Professional Success Specialization from the University of Pennsylvania.
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2. Free Online Courses With Certificates on Edureka

Edureka is an e-learning platform designed for providing online courses with certification. It’s been operating as a private business firm since May 2011 in Bangalore, Karnataka.

It’s now serving learners from 150+ countries providing the best online courses suitable for beginners, professionals as well as experts.

It has become one of the top e-courses service providers for its most trendy and quality online certification courses.

This platform provides Technology courses like Big Data, cloud computing, data science, business intelligence, project management, programming, software testing, robotic process automation, data warehousing, artificial intelligence, and more.

Edureka offers 24/7 services to learners through its highly experienced instructors and dedicated staff. It has served 4,00,000+ students with its fantastic IT courses.

Learners may choose courses from various options like self-paced, live classes, and master’s programs. its self-paced courses start from $99 only, whereas you may have live classes from $199 only and Master’s program courses starting from only $2,062.

Visit Edureka

3. PluralSight Free Certifications Trial

Pluralsight Inc. is a publicly operated online technology learning platform headquartered in Farmington, Utah. It’s been providing its software development, Information and cybersecurity, and IT ops courses training successfully since 2004.

It’s getting much popularity day by day for its most updated, high-quality, affordable courses with certifications. You may choose your suitable online courses from its catalog with 6,000+ different classes.

It provides you with IT courses on a monthly or annual subscription basis.

While subscribing, you may choose one of these two: An individual subscription and a Business subscription.

For the individual subscription, you may choose any offer from these three- A monthly subscription that costs $29, Annual membership costing $299, or Premium plus courses costs $449 only.

A business subscription, PluralSight offers you two plans. For professional plans, it will cost you $499  and for enterprise plans, you have to pay $699 annually.

The most fantastic part of PluralSight is that you will get a totally free 10-day trial for taking the decision on what course is suitable for you.

Hereby, you are getting the freedom of deciding to proceed with or cancel the subscription when you want.

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4. Best Free Online Courses With Certificates of Completion Udemy – 100,000+ Courses is an online learning platform. It is aimed at professional working groups.

Unlike online certificate programs that are driven by traditional collegiate coursework, where the syllabus is prepared and delivered by the faculties of the Institution, Udemy provides a platform for experts across various departments to create and offer courses of their own.

These courses can be offered to the public, either at no charge or for a tuition fee. The tools to create and deliver courses are provided on the Udemy platform.

Udemy courses are more popular because of their pricing structure. They run a large no.of effective courses in a low value of $10, running up to 20 hours.

However, Udemy courses are not accredited as college courses. They are primarily for improving job skills. As of 2017, there are more than 100,000 courses on their website Check out the Best Free Udemy Courses.

Visit Udemy

5. Best Free Online Courses With Certificates – FutureLearn

FutureLearn is one of the most renowned social learning platforms working worldwide founded in December 2012. This e-learning platform is currently owned and operated jointly by The Open University and The SEEK Group and provides a variety of online certificate programs.

People may also find undergraduate and postgraduate degrees on a subscription basis from here that improve their working lives.

More than 700 best free online courses are available here. One can find online courses from thousands of courses under twelve categories. It offers courses in several languages like English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish, Dutch, and Portuguese.

The main categories are Health and Medicine, Business, Social Science, Humanities, education, Teaching, Data Sciences, Computer Sciences, Engineering, Programming, Art, and Design.

Almost ten million people are connected to this site worldwide. The future learn team creates enjoyable, reliable, and flexible online courses through building partnerships.

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6. Best Online Courses with Certificates: e-Courses 4 You E-learning

This online platform provides learners with unlimited lifetime access from anywhere at any time. So, learners can have the best online courses with certification at their own pace and at leisure.

It provides a lot of courses in several categories. The top categories are Project Management, IT and Networking, Health and Wellbeing, Programming and Development, Career Development, and Business Skills with other online certificate programs.

One can have the best free online courses with certification as well as on a subscription basis. Besides online training and courses, one can take exam preparation from a number of quizzes, tests, and exams to ensure that he or she is ready to seat for any tests.

e-courses4you has some well-renowned celebrity partners including Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, and Stephen Covey and Microsoft is its business packages partner that brings outstanding content.

This online platform has a great team for customer support who are very efficient, cheerful and bright, and always customer-focused. Besides, its telephone support team is ready to respond to the client’s query 5 days a week.


7. Knightsbridge Trading Academy: Best Free Online Courses With Certificates of Completion

Knightsbridge Trading Academy aims to develop the trading skills of the students to keep them updated with the latest strategies and technology. This company operates business activities worldwide from London, UK.

It has been offering the best online courses with certificates that will help learners with trading skills, especially in financial markets. It provides online courses for learners at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

Online courses at Knightbrigde will help to learn from elite traders, brokers, and financial analysts, who have work experience in some of the most prestigious financial institutions in the world.

It has years of experience in partnership with mostly successful financial bodies. The most renowned partners are the London Stock Exchange Group, Falcon Investment Management, Chartered Institutes of Security and Council, British Accreditation Council, and David Game College.


8. Blockchain Council Certification Courses

Blockchain was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 aiming at serving as the public transaction ledger of the cryptocurrency bitcoin.

This council consists of an authoritative group of experts who are evangelizing Blockchain Research and development, use cases, products, and knowledge for the betterment of the learners.

Blockchain Council designs its online courses for individuals who want to build a lucrative career in the Blockchain domain and wants to get a certificate with online certificate programs.

These certifications focus on various specializations in Blockchain like Corda, Quorum, Hyperledger, and Smart Contracts. Blockchain applications to specific industries such as healthcare, supply chain, digital marketing, etc.

Blockchain online courses allow certified individuals lifetime access to the training videos, and certified individuals’ name is published on the website that distinguishes individuals’ professional profile.

You may read the full review on – Blockchain Council Certification Review


9. Cisco Learning Network Fzree Online Courses With Certificates of Completion

For IT infrastructure professionals, Cisco is considered one of the most suitable learning networks worldwide.

Cisco is an American multinational technology headquartered in San Josh, California. It was founded by two computer scientists Leonard Bosack and Sandy Lerner in December 1984.

Cisco offers a lot of widely respected and valuable online certificate programs. It provides its online certification courses at five levels: CCENT courses for entry-level,  Associate level are offered CCNA/CCDA courses, for professionals it offers CCNA/ CCDP courses, for expert, there are CCIE/CCDE courses available.

Besides, there are nine different paths for online training courses: Service Provider Operations, Industrial Network, Routing & Switching, Design, Voice, Network Security, Service Provider, Storage Networking, Datacenter, and Wireless.

Currently, it offers a free 10-day trial. It helps learners determine what kind of courses they need and they can choose a suitable one during the trial period.


10. QuickStart Online Certification Courses

QuickStart is one of the most prominent online platforms in the e-learning industry. It offers customized online courses based on IT and tech subjects through its cognitive learning tool CLIPP.

It offers 100+ best online courses with certification. Besides, it offers a good number of online courses at an inexpensive rate.

From this site, learners get personalized e-learning courses on a subscription basis. It offers 3 subscription plans: For initial learners, it offers a one-week free trial and costs $14.99 per month.

At the Master level, there is a one-year subscription with a charge of $2,999. MasterPlus+ subscribers will have to pay $6,500 per year. Besides, they will have access to all the platform’s online services with certifications.

QuickStart has a strong team with top instructors in the IT industry. Those experts and instructional designers have a deeper knowledge of several different topics including big data, cloud, security, and more.


11. InformIT Online Courses with Certificates of Completion

InformIT is a subsidiary of Pearson Education headquartered in Carmel, Indiana for online certificate programs.  This website operates as an online book vendor and an electronic content publisher in the technology and education sector.

This website provides learners with online certificate programs along with free articles, blogs, and podcasts on IT topics and products. Besides, it offers a bookstore carrying all titles from these imprints.

The team InformIT always keeps an eye on what’s happening around the world of technology and education. It publishes content and videos on the most current topics.

It provides online certificate programs for application and software developers and designers, IT professionals, system administrators, programmers, and hobbyists.

This one-stop technology learning site provides authentic content and learning resources from credible leaders, creators, authors, and business professionals.

InformIT also working as a partner of the most renowned digital library subscription service Safari.

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12. Online Certificate Programs Test Prep for College and Graduate School: Magoosh Learning

Mangoosh is an online platform that provides materials for competitive exams’ test preparation. Besides, it offers counseling courses for competitive exams like GRE, GMAT, SAT, LSAT, TOEFL, IELTS, and so on.

Magoosh was founded in 2009 by Hansoo Lee, Bhavin Parikh, Pejman Pour-Moezzi, and Vikram Shenoy in their student life. It’s providing Free Online Courses With Certificates of Completion and aims at making test preparation more enjoyable, affordable, and effective to the learners.

From this platform, students get a handy and flexible way to prepare themselves for competitive exams. Students also get the same online services on their android and iPhone mobile app.

In Magoosh, learners will get 200 video lessons, 3 full-length practice tests and study anywhere, anytime on a PC, laptop, or mobile phone.


13.  Free Certification Courses on edX

EdX is one of the pioneers of MOOC, it was started in the Fall of 2011. Since then the MOOC platform has seen a boom.

EdX offers free and paid online courses and classes. One can find the latest courses from the world’s best universities including MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, UT, and others. Course fees can be anywhere between 0- $1000.

It provides courses across a wide range of academic and technical topics. They are one of the Top 3 providers in MOOC and have a huge collection of courses. They also provide micro-free courses in the latest technology topics.

It also offers XSeries Certificates for completion of a bundled set (Basically from two to seven) of verified courses within a specific topic.

The cost for the online courses varies depending on the duration, credit, and weight of the courses.


14. Free Online Courses With Certificates of Completion on Udacity

When people don’t get enough time and money to spend, they may choose Udacity online courses with certification. Udacity offers a wide range of online courses in a very flexible and easy way.

Udacity was born at Stanford in June 2011 when two professors decided to build a course on Artificial Intelligence. This online learning platform is famous for its Nano-degrees. They are also popular for providing Best Free Online Courses With Certificates

It offers massive open online courses (MOOCs) with a mission to democratize education.

Udacity provides innovative best free online courses in the education sector. Its main theme is “Students first”. University students, vocational learners as well as professionals are the main subscribers of this platform.

Nano-degrees are courses from beginner to advanced level in various technical topics and the duration can be anywhere from a few weeks to months. Free online courses are also offered. They are one of the top 3 online course providers.


15. Free Certifications OpenCulture

This is an online learning platform that provides free courses on culture and education. It stands out from the other platforms by providing free learning resources in many forms: Audiobooks, Language lessons, textbooks, Ebooks, music, and movies too!

It offers 1300 free online courses from world topmost universities. Students get the best free online courses from their desired Universities like MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Berkeley, Oxford and more.

You may get videos, audio, lectures from university websites, iTunes, Youtube online and can download them for offline too. You will also get over 4500 hours of audio and video lectures.

They also provide email subscriptions through which you can get notified of their new arrivals, without browsing loads of collections.

Visit Open Culture

16. Free Online Courses With Certificates of Completion on Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit e-learning organization headquartered in mountain view, California. It has been proving free online courses since September 2008 for ensuring free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

It offers the best free online courses by providing video series hosted on Youtube for college graduates, job seekers, and young professionals as well.

Basically, this organization works for personalized learning with trusted content and providing the best to every student by making a good teacher-student long term bond.

Students get a completely personalized education by fulfilling their own gaps and then improving it more.

It ensures trusted content from skilled writers and experts. Its library of trusted practice and lessons covers maths, sciences, accounting and more to build up a strong background for the learners.

Online courses with certificates help both the teachers and students. It designs videos with several subtitles to expand the availability of education around the world.

This organization basically provides online lectures and tutorials through youtube.  The learning process is just like the conventional education system we see in schools and colleges.

The videos display a recording of drawings on an electronic blackboard. The narrator describes each drawing and how they relate to the material being taught. Besides these online services, Khan Academy distributes its offline Videos in the rural areas of Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

It also works as a host of different educational Youtube channels like Crash Course, and the Museum of Modern Art so that the learners get the opportunity to learn more. Besides, one can take preparation for standardized tests including SAT and MCAT.


17. Harvard University Free Online Degrees

Harvard University, the oldest educational institution for higher education in the United States was established in 1636 based in Cambridge and Boston, Massatusates.

It has been providing online courses globally through its’ website in various sectors like business, science, health, education, mathematics, humanities, technology, data science, social science, etc.

edX courses basically follow weekly learning sequences. Each learning sequence is composed of short videos for interactive learning exercises.

Videos are made by devoted experts in a flexible way that students can immediately practice the concepts from the videos and get their educational courses anytime, anywhere using the internet.

The courses often include tutorial videos that are similar to small on-campus discussion groups, an online textbook, and an online discussion forum where students can connect to each other.

edX offers the best free online courses and provides certificates of successful completion and some courses are credit-eligible. It offers the learners a number of ways for receiving the courses.

This online platform includes verified courses where students are allowed to audit the course (free of cost) or to work toward an edX Verified certificate where the course fees vary by course.


18. Free Online Training on Skillshare – 17,000+ Online Tutorial

Skillshare is one of the best free online course providers for its thousands of quality courses with authentic content and flexibility in learning.

This is an American online learning organization founded in November 2010 and offers educational videos for learners worldwide.

Skillshare provides courses mainly on technology, business, creative arts, design, entrepreneurship, lifestyle, food and drink, music, photography, gaming, and writing and publishing, with a good number of sub-categories.

Besides, students may subscribe to premium courses for getting access to the entire catalog of 20,000+ classes.

Focusing on customized creative and entrepreneurial skills, Skillshare courses include the most popular topics like data science, technology, design, marketing, freelancing, and more.

Classes are taken in a lively way that includes necessary materials, resources, projects, and community to provide a deep learning experience.

Skillshare offers new users free 2-month trial that ensures unlimited access to Skillshare’s best online courses of over 24,000 classes. If students like the courses and want to proceed on, they can then access classes anytime by paying $15 monthly or may take annual premium membership for $99 only.

Skillshare provides its members full freedom to cancel their subscriptions at any time as there is no restriction.

The learners will be enlightened with lectures from famous instructors including  Seth Godin for entrepreneurship, Young Guru for audio mixing and recording instructions.

Besides, learners will get courses on social media strategy from Gary Vaynerchuk, Guy Kawasaki, and Barbara Corcoran for entrepreneurship online courses.


19. Free Online Courses With Certificates of Completion in Alison

Alison is an online education platform that aims at providing the best free online courses for the learners. It was founded on 21st April 2007 by an Irish entrepreneur Mike Ferrick emphasizing most on skilling up people at their workplace.

learners get free access to online courses, tutorials, specializations, and degrees in a variety of subjects published by many world-leading universities and organizations here.

Alison offers free online courses mainly on technology, language, science, health, humanities, business, math, marketing, lifestyle, etc with a good number of sub-categories in each.

currently, it has 13 million learners, with its 1000 courses around 195 countries in the world.

At present, this online platform is offering more than a thousand courses for free, with certificates, at premium payment at several levels of nine core subject categories.

There is no time limit for completing a course. On average, certificate-level courses require two to three hours of study while diploma-level courses require ten to fifteen hours of study in general.


So here is the list of websites with the Best Free Online Courses With Certificates of Completion. These online certificate programs are available in different MOOCs. These are the Best Free Online Certifications, and online certificate programs websites available Online. Happy Learning!

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