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9 Best Blockchain Courses Training and Certifications Online 2025

These Best Blockchain Courses Training and Certifications Online will help you to become a successful Blockchain developer. With these courses, you’ll be able to know everything to identify the facts about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Are you a software engineer and want to integrate ideas into your own projects about blockchain and cryptocurrencies?

These Best Blockchain tutorials and Certifications Online include the ‘Best Course,’ ‘Product Description,’ ‘Ratings,’ ‘Students Enrolled’ as well as ‘Product’s Image’ and a “Call to Action” to purchase the Courses from the respective learning platforms for your learning convenience.

9 Best Blockchain Courses Training and Certifications Online 2025

1. Blockchain Course: Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals (Udemy)


Learn the key elements of blockchain and Bitcoin in this bestselling video course and accompanying PDF glossary.

You will learn:

  • Have a strong understanding of what blockchain technology is.
  • What Bitcoin is and how it works.
  • Know and use key vocabulary and concepts commonly used when discussing Blockchain and Bitcoin in business situations.


  • There are no requirements needed to enroll.
  • Have a business interest in learning how blockchain and Bitcoin work.

Students Enrolled: 122K+

Instructor: George Levy

Rating: 4.6 out of 5.0


2. Best Blockchain Training: The Basics of Blockchain: Ethereum, Bitcoin, & More (Udemy)


A Beginner’s Guide to Blockchain.

You will learn:

  • About Blockchain Technology.
  • How Blockchain could potentially impact your business and industry.
  • Set a strategy to prepare your business or your clients for the emerging Decentralized Economy.
  • To join a community of economists, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and technologists that are shaping this technology.
  • Identify which aspects of Blockchain Technology seem most important and relevant to you.
  • Walk away with a strong foundation in where blockchain is going, what it does, and how to prepare for it


  • A basic understanding of the internet.
  • There are no technical requirements.
  • Need is an open mind, and curiosity about the economics, business, and technology that make blockchain interesting for the future.

Students Enrolled: 10.5K+

Instructor: Tom Serres, Bettina Warburg, Dr. Bill

Rating: 4.4 out of 5.0


3. Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Udemy)


Use Ethereum, Solidity, and Smart Contracts to build production-ready apps based on the blockchain.

You will learn:

  • Understand why engineers would want to create an app with Ethereum
  • Build compelling Blockchain applications using the Ethereum Blockchain
  • Design, test, and deploy secure Smart Contracts
  • Learn the true purpose and capabilities of Ethereum and Solidity
  • To use the latest version of Ethereum development tools (Web3 v1.0)
  • Practical examples to comprehend what blockchain and mining are


  • Basic Knowledge of Javascript and NPM
  • A Mac, PC, or Linux Machine

Students Enrolled: 143K +

Instructor: Stephen Grider

Rating: 4.6 out of 5.0


4. Best Blockchain Course: Getting Started with Web3 Development (Udemy)

Develop your first decentralized application from scratch on the Ethereum blockchain.

You will learn:

  • Understand the basic philosophy behind the blockchain and distributed/decentralized applications
  • The basics of how a blockchain generally works, just enough to be able to use it as a development platform
  • Develop a distributed application, from creating a blank project to deploying it in production all the way through writing smart contracts, unit testing them, and creating a user interface for them
  • How to combine the right tools to put together a consistent and real-world pragmatic development environment
  • The fundamentals of the Solidity smart contract language
  • To use the Truffle build and testing framework (covers Truffle 4)
  • Deploy a decentralized app to various Ethereum instances (testrpc, private chain, test chain, main net)
  • To unit test smart contracts


  • You should already have developed a couple of software applications, backend, frontend, or both
  • Need a Mac, Linux, or Windows 10 machine to develop the sample application
  • A basic understanding of a programming language like Javascript is a plus

Students Enrolled: 24K+

Instructors: Sebastien Arbogast, Said Eloudrhiri

Rating: 4.5  out of 5.0


5. Ethereum Blockchain Developer Bootcamp With Solidity (Udemy)

One Of The Largest, Most In-Depth Ethereum Blockchain Development Courses, Helping You To Build Projects Using Solidity!

Become An Ethereum Blockchain Developer With Just One Course. Solidity, Web3.JS, Truffle, Metamask, Remix & More.

You will learn:

  • To Add ‘Blockchain Developer’ To Your Resume
  • Able To Earn Money Writing Blockchain Applications
  • Become Proficient In Solidity Programming By Building Projects
  • Understand Blockchain Technology At A Theoretical & Practical Level
  • How Smart Contracts Work On A Practical Level
  • To Work With Ethereum’s Major Core Development Tools
  • The Core Development Functions Of Ethereum
  • How Decentralised Technology Works
  • To Explain The Structure Of Solidity Code Clearly
  • How To Use Web3 In Conjunction With The Projects We Create
  • Be Proficient In Advanced Development With Truffle & Teams
  • Complete A Final Assignment Which Consists Of An Ethereum Blockchain Resume


  • Need A Computer With Linux, MacOS, Or Windows
  • Basic Understanding Of Web-Technologies
  • Knowledge Of A Programming Language Is Beneficial (Integers, Booleans, Strings Etc.) Though Not Required

Students Enrolled: 66K+

Instructors: Ravinder Deol, Thomas Wiesner, Haseeb Chadhury

Rating: 4.6 out of 5.0


6. Ethereum Developer Masterclass | Blockchain Development (Coursera)


The complete developer course on Ethereum Smart Contract Development with front end integration, security & unit testing.

You will Learn:

  • Blockchain Programming
  • Smart Contract Development
  • Ethereum Development
  • Solidity Programming Language
  • Truffle Suite
  • Frontend Integration
  • Web3 js
  • Open Zeppelin
  • Design Patterns
  • Security Considerations
  • Mining using Geth


  • Good Fundamental understanding of Blockchains

Students Enrolled: 6.8k+

Instructor: Blockchain Post

Rating: 4.2 out of 5.0


7. Blockchain Developer: How to Build a Crowd Sale (ICO) App in Ethereum Blockchain (Udemy)

Learn to Create a Crowdsale (ICO) Application on top of Ethereum Blockchain to fund your business ideas.

You will learn:

  • Develop Ethereum Smart Contracts for crowd sale using Solidity
  • Understand the basic features of Solidity & Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • Develop their own decentralized blockchain applications


  • Basics of Ethereum, Cryptocurrency, Crowdsale
  • Basics of any kind of programming language

Students Enrolled: 3K+

Instructor: Toshendra Sharma

Rating: 3.2 out of 5.0


8. Learn Solidity: Programming Language for Smart Contracts (Udemy)

Best Solidity Tutorial Available Online to Build Blockchain-Based Decentralized Application DApps on Ethereum Network.

You will learn:

  • Develop Ethereum Smart Contracts for crowd sale using Solidity
  • Understand the basic features of Solidity & Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • Develop their decentralized blockchain applications


  • Basics of Ethereum, Cryptocurrency, Crowdsale
  • Any kind of programming language

Students Enrolled: 3.9K +

Instructor: Toshendra Sharma

Rating: 4.0 out of 5.0


9. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies (Coursera)

To really understand what is special about Bitcoin, you need to understand how it works at a technical level. The instructors address important questions about Bitcoin.

For Example, How does Bitcoin work? What makes Bitcoin different? How secure are your Bitcoins? How anonymous are Bitcoin users? What determines the price of Bitcoins? Can cryptocurrencies be regulated? What might the future hold?


1: Introduction to Crypto and Cryptocurrencies
2: How Bitcoin Achieves Decentralization
3: Mechanics of Bitcoin
4: How to Store and Use Bitcoins
5: Bitcoin Mining
6: Bitcoin and Anonymity
7: Community, Politics, and Regulation
8: Alternative Mining Puzzles
9: Bitcoin as a Platform
10: Altcoins and the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem
11: The Future of Bitcoin?

Created by: Princeton University

Students Enrolled: 758K+

Instructors: Arvind Narayanan, Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Ratings: 4.6 out of 5.0


We included this course list of Best Blockchain Courses Training and Certifications Online because we found it helpful. We always include the best courses, study materials, and various sources that are really useful for you.

Keep Learning and Stay Ahead!

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