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5 Best Digital Art Certifications, Courses, and Tutorialsin 2025

Are you looking for the Best Digital Art Certification? Grab the list of best Digital Art Courses, Tutorials, and Training to master art and designs.

If you don’t know how to learn digital art these are the best digital art tips and tricks to grab knowledge on this particular subject.

5 Best Digital Art Certifications, Courses, and Tutorials in 2025

1. Drawing and Painting on the iPad with Procreate(Udemy)


Learn everything you need to know about Procreate with hands-on drawing lessons. Now updated for Procreate 5.

**Procreate has been listed in the iPad’s top-selling apps.

What You Will Learn Completing the Course

  • Understanding of Procreate.
  • Can create Speedraw videos.
  • Learn to create and import custom brushes.
  • You will have a basic understanding of how to compose and create a painting.

Basic Requirements for Doing This Course

  • Need an iPad.
  • Need the Procreate application from the app store.
  • Basic familiarity with the iPad would be useful.

The Digital Art Courses are for-

  • The learners who want to learn to draw and also have an iPad but don’t know where to start.
  • Illustrators learning to sketch and draw.
  • If you love to draw and sketch digitally this course is for you.

Students Enrolled: 77.27K+

Instructor: Brad Colbow

Rating: 4.7 out of 5.0

Enroll Now

2. Ultimate Guide to Digital Sketching: Beginner to Advanced in (Udemy)

Learn to digitally draw like a pro!

If you want to learn how to digitally sketch images for games and film like an industry pro, you have just come to the right place.

You will Learn by Completing the Course

  • Digitally sketch objects and scenes from your imagination.
  • Digital techniques for sketching.

Basic Requirements for Digital Art Tutorial

  • Digital drawing tablet.
  • Basic understanding of drawing software like Photoshop, or Procreate.

**Completing this course you will get track of building a solid portfolio of digital art and concept art.

**You will be taken a basic knowledge of sketching to create different ideas of drawings, from beginner to expert.

This Digital Art Course is for the Learners-

  • Who wants to sketch & draw better and what are the brushes when drawing?
  • Learners who want to learn how to draw digitally.
  • For those who want to learn digital techniques for sketching.

Students Enrolled: 35.68K+

Instructor: Austin Batchelor

Rating: 4.6 out of 5.0

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3. Complete Beginner’s Guide to Digital Art(Udemy)

Master the foundations of digital drawing and illustration and create art like a pro!

You will be Going to Learn

  • Basics of line drawing and making simple shapes.
  • Relationships between lines and shapes and draw them from your observation.
  • Basics of any digital art software and digital coloring.
  • Learn to create a basic human figure.

Basic Requirements for Doing this Course

  • No prior knowledge of drawing or art is required.
  • Need a computer or tablet and paper & pencil.

**In-depth of the course, you will start as a novice and or hobbyist and end with the mentality and skills of a professional.

*The skills you will acquire here will enhance not only your work but also give you a solid base in any other online course.

*You will be able to think like an artist and be a problem solver after completing this course.

These Digital Art Tutorials are for-

  • Beginner Artists and those who want to create their digital art.
  • Graphic Designer.
  • It is not for those who want short and vague lessons.
  • Who is looking to speed paint?

Students Enrolled: 36.21K+

Instructor: Rich Grayson

Rating: 4.2 out of 5.0

Enroll Now

4. The Beginner’s Guide to Digital Art with Procreate on iPad in (Udemy)


Learn the basics of digital art on your iPad with these step-by-step lessons for Procreate, a powerful digital art app!

You will be Going to Learn

  • Use of Procreate’s powerful art tools.
  • The workflow, for many types of art like comics, manga, cartoons, etc.
  • Use Procreate’s built-in recording features to create fun time-lapse drawings and paintings.

Basic Requirements for Doing This Digital Art Course

  • iPad.
  • Apple Pencil (or a stylus compatible with your iPad)
  • The Procreate app from the App Store.

You can Learn the Usage-

  • Procreate tools to create line art or colored illustrations.
  • Having the skills that can carry over into almost any type of art.

The Digital Art Tutorials also include:

  • A copy of the actual Procreate file
  • Custom, specialized brushes to import into Procreate on your iPad.
  • Tons of tips, tricks, and shortcuts.
  • You can work at your own pace. Need no rush.
  • Effective techniques for making art with Procreate on the iPad.
  • Digital Art.
  • Simple and very efficient workflow.

This course is for-

  • People who need a great place to begin learning about digital art from a professional.
  • People that want to use Procreate to enhance their traditional art.

Instructor: Kurt Michael Russell

Students Enrolled: 12.00K+

Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0

Enroll Now

5. A Pro’s Guide to Digital Comic Book Coloring(Udemy)


Learn the entire process from start to finish in Photoshop. Coloring is so much more than just staying inside the lines.

You will be Going to Learn

  • Basics of layering to finishing pages with special effects and color theory.
  • Plane separation, strategic rendering, and the importance of value and contrast in your pages.
  • Tons of tips, tricks, and shortcuts that are critical to working in the production of comic art.
  • Solid understanding of what color in comics is.

Basic Requirements for Starting This Digital Art Course

  • Photoshop Knowledge.
  • Graphics tablet.
  • The provided Tool Presets for brushes, lasso, and bucket settings require Photoshop CS6 or higher.

You will Get to Know-

  • How to set up your line art and layers.
  • The major tools – lasso, magic wand, brushes, etc.
  • The basics of color theory are covered along with instructions for overcoming challenges unique to color in comics.
  • The most important aspect of coloring is storytelling.
  • variety of art styles.
  • full splash page together in five parts.

These Best Digital Art Tutorials are for-

  • Beginner comic colorists.
  • Learners who are looking to break into comics as a colorist.
  • Who wants to learn a professional’s workflow?

Students Enrolled: 4.28K+

Instructor: Kurt Michael Russel

Rating: 4.4 out of 5.0

Enroll Now

I hope this Best Digital Art Tutorials 2023 will assist you to learn digital illustration.

Grab the list of best Digital Art Courses, Certifications, Classes, and Training to master art and design.

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